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186 Homerton High Street

Value: Circa £450k


186 Homerton High Street was a four floor full mechanical and electrical refurbishment of an office block in Homerton, E9 London.


The Refurbishment consisted of electrical services incorporating new small power and distribution including meters to each tenant of the building. The new lighting and emergency lighting system, consisting of LED luminaires, brings a contemporary finish to the building. Security has been updated with a new access control system as well as a redcare linked fire alarm system.


The mechanical services included new heating and hot and cold water pipework as well as new point of use water heaters. A new control system to the plant room allowed safety shut off controls to be centralised.  The plant room was also fitted with a new gas leak detection system. New mechanical ventilation in the 2nd floor kitchen and first floor WC was installed to provide adequate ventilation to these areas.


Our Design team was tasked to design the services to RIBA Stage 4 to ensure a high specification office environment, to meet a list of design requirements set against an extremely tight budget.


© 2018 by Instia Ltd


    Tel: 0208 715 2509



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